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Contact Midwest Marbling

There are many reasons you might want to contact Midwest Marbling — asking questions about our work, joining as a member, joining our semiannual email newsletter (which is free), suggesting a show, or making a donation. For general messages, email us:

Support Midwest Marbling

We welcome donations. Building an organization to support marbling is expensive. We are working to become a non-profit organization, but that takes a good deal of work, time, and money. If you’d like to support marbling arts in the midwest, donation checks can be sent to Midwest Marbling, 228 Cecil Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414, or through PayPal.

Membership Dues

Membership dues for Midwest Marbling are $30. Membership checks can be sent to Midwest Marbling, 228 Cecil Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414. Paying via PayPal includes service fees.